Sketchbook Art Journal Entries

Sketchbook #15 and #16 due on Friday, April 24th at the end of class uploaded on your "artwork" page and notified as a post to your class period with link on Edmodo to get a grade.
(-5 points a day)
Pick the order that you draw the 2 below:
Morphing Transformation: Choose 2 two objects (one animal & one man made) to slowly morph into each other. You should have 6 drawings illustrating the transformation of one object into the other. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: drawing pencils and colored pencils

Travel Scene: Draw an entire scene from the place on earth that you want to travel to and have an adventure that has at least one man-made landmark. (Must draw from a photograph).

Sketchbook #13 and #14 due on Friday, April 10th at the BEGINNING of class uploaded on your "artwork" page and notified as a post to your class period with link on Edmodo to get a grade. (-5 points a day)
Pick the order to do both of the following following to do 2 hours of effort for each, taking up the entire page, and shading with a variety of light and dark values:

mixed up animal sketchbook Maddie W 3rd period  2014 2015
Choice A- Draw yourself SCREAMING showing stretched facial features. (It's always best to draw like this in a mirror or from a photo).
Choice B- Think of 3 different animals, (probably need to find three photos of different animals and draw from them), and create a new creature with the animal parts from the three different animals: with the head from one animal, the body of another, and the legs from another.
A 100 is following the basic sketchbook criteria but also having the creature in an environment doing something.
An 85 and below is following the basic sketchbook criteria but having just the creature.

Sketchbook #10 and #11 and #12 all due by March 18th at the end of class. (Whenever teachers have to have grades in is the day everything is due).
Choose the order between the following to do at least a full 1 hour drawing for each with complete shading,with a variety of values, and take up the entire page. (You may use any medium to shade with a variety of colors).
After S.B. #10 Photo students are no longer required to do sketchbook assignments as they will have mucho photo assignments due almost every week and a half.
If you presented your documentary slideshow you are done because you get a 100 for sketchbook #10.
If you did not present then photo students may pick which option of the ones on the sketchbook assignment page.
Media Arts students are responsible for sketchbooks assignments 10, 11, and 12 and must do at least 3 of the options from the sketchbook assignment page.

1. 2035 Futuristic Transportation- in the future how will we get around in 20 years

2. Illustrate your favorite poem including the author's name. Your drawing should take up the majority of the page as seen in the example here to the left of the batties.

3. Draw the blue prints of an invention you would like to create, a totally new invention, with at least 3 different views such as the top, the side, the front, etc. Label the different parts describing what each part is for or what is does.

Amy W. 8th period 2014-2015
Sketchbook #9 "Obsessions"- Things you obsess over, worry about, or have to have.
-an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
"Obsessions" by Aaron T. 6th period 2014-2015
  • Due Friday, February 13th at the end of class uploaded to "Artwork" page on your website with a title. (Assignment given out Tuesday, January 27th). 
  • This S.B. Assignment is 2 pages; the back of one page-the left, and the front of the next page to the right; (So think of the two opened pages as 1 big page).
  • You should have a minimum of 6 sentences through out the left and right side. (All sentences must be from your own original thoughts).
  • You may have 1 sentence in quotation marks from someone else with a dash and their name afterwards- may be from a song, poem, novel, family member, etc.).
(You may have your sentences altogether or scattered around).
The sentences should describe and express your feelings towards each of the obsessions you visually show. 

So, think of this as a visual art journal entry in your sketchbook.
  • Must show at least 3 different "Obsessions" from nouns and verbs. 
  •  One of the obsessions may be materialistic (such as a phone, tablet, game controller, vehicle, etc.)
  • The other two or more must be verbs or  something deeper.
  • Remember, the idea of this project is to show how we are all very similar but that we are much more complicated and UNIQUE than material nonsense.
  • You must show overrlapping of objects whether behind or in front or they may be transparent through each other showing that they take up the same space.
  • You must use at least 3 different art mediums (pencil, pen, colored-pencils, markers, watercolor paint, charcoal, oil pastel, art chalk, etc.)
  • Must show at least 1 hour of meaningful, well-thought out effort.
  •  Draw from the real object or person or from photos only.


ARMAND GUILLAUMIN"Soleil couchant à Ivry (sunset at Ivry)
Sketchbook #8 due Thursday, January 22nd

"Impressionistic Recreation"
  • You will go to this website:
"Zilla at Ivry" Andre W.  8th Period Impressionism Recreation January 2015
Dylan A. 5th Period "Battle at Sunrise" Jan. 2015

  • You will pick an artist from this list of 50 Impressionism Paintings and the painting that goes with the artist from this site.
  • You will recreate the painting using ANY medium you like (Must be Colored with a Variety of Colored-Values).
  • You will then make it your own and be original by adding something/someone that is interesting.
  • The object/person/animal, etc. that you add must be obvious but must also fit in with the theme of the painting.
  • To get a grade you must upload to your website with the original painting from the internet uploaded next to your recreation.
  • Title your work, (do not title it Sketchbook #7), with a creative, well-thought title).
  • Title the painting you picked with the artist, name of the painting, and the year it was painted. 
  • “Starry night” VINCENT VAN GOGH: , 1889
  • You will copy and paste the long paragraph below your work and the actual painting that goes with the artist and painting from the above website and make sure you copy and paste the actual website link to reference the material so it's not plagiarism.  

"Aliens in Swirly Space" Madelynn W. 3rd period January 2015
"A Starry Seattle Night" Kevin H. 5th period January 2015
Jasmine T. Impressionism Recreation January 2015

"Starry Tardis Night" Meghan S. 3rd period January 2015
Amy W. "The Avenue of Amsterdam" January 2015

CHILDE HASSAM: "The Avenue in the rain" - 1917. Oil on canvas

A.J. from 3rd period Impressionism Recreation
"Bathers at Asnieres" GEORGES SEURAT

Sketchbook #7 due Tuesday, January 13th
  • Take up entire page
  • Shade entirely with a Variety of Values
  • Creature must be drawn from Photographs only (no cartoon characters)
  • Must have an interesting background, surrounding, where the creature is
  • Insect-Human creature must be interacting with its environment doing something

Do NOT draw from cartoons or from other people's artwork. 
Each eye is worth 25 points. 
Example above:Dylan A. from 5th period 2014-2015

(We do not cut up National Geographic magazines; use the magazines on the sink counter).

Sketchbook #5 due December 2nd on "Artwork" page with a creative title that goes with artwork.
"Song Lyric Illustration" assignment:
  • you will pick a school appropriate song, (use common sense please), and use some of the lyrics of the song to create a scene that ILLUSTRATES those words and communicates the idea and essence of the song VISUALLY.  
  • Make sure you have the name of the song and artist after your title (5 points)  
  • Medium: (what the artwork is made of) pencil, and shade with a variety of colored-values using colored pencils.

"Mechanical Animal" Sketchbook Homework #4 Due Friday, November 14th at the beginning of class uploaded onto your "Artwork" page on your website with a title such as;
 "Killer Gears" Sketchbook #4 (for the above one) or maybe "Hydraulic Hopper" Sketchbook #4
You must draw from Photographs only. Do not draw from other people's drawings/artwork.
For this assignment it must be a REAL animal, like mentioned, from a photo. We will have fantasy/mythical/made-up animals later on. 

For S.B. #4 As always effort needs to show at least 50 or so minutes or more.
Sketchbook assignments are HOMEWORK only unless you get teacher approval first when done with ALL class work with quality.Don't be trying to do S.B. assignment when you should be working on in-class assignments
Take up the entire page. No wasted paper and small drawings. Think about your composition- how your subject matter is taking up the space. 
Shade thoroughly with a Variety of Values (White, a range of grays, and black-as dark as the pencil can get)
Late Points:
-5 points a day late; if a student has put in the majority of the effort and on time but is still lacking, the student may add and fix or redo for full credit with no late points. However, no doing it at all is a zero in the gradebook until it is shown to the teacher and/or turned in on "artwork" page on website.

Sketchbook #3 Due October 15th at the BEGINNING of class uploaded to your "artwork" page with a title and then paste the link to said live web page in Edmodo and send to your class period to get a grade.
Because Photography students have a BIG TIME photo assign. due on the October 16th, I am moving the S.B. #3 due date, ONLY for Photo Class, to October 21st.

This week you will only have one choice as it is a very special and deluxe assignment:       

This assignment focuses on drawing from direct observation. (looking at the real thing)

"Size Distortions"

  1. Choose two ordinary objects at home which have a relationship to one another but are not the same size at all. (Like: the front door and a key -- or -- the refrigerator and an apple.
  2. Draw the two different sized objects as if they are the same size, and draw them so they have a new relationship at the new size.
    (So: the key is as big as the door in the new relationship, and can only lean upon it!)
    (So: the apple could be so big that it occupied the entire inside of the refrigerator!)
Be inventive! think up your own two related objects, and observe and draw their details carefully. Plan an interesting composition on the page.
You may shade this assignment with colored-pencils but make sure that's what you actually do, shade with a lot of values from each color, do not just color like an elementary school student.

Effort needs to show at least 50 or so minutes or more.
Sketchbook assignments are HOMEWORK only unless you get teacher approval first when done with ALL class work with quality.Don't be trying to do S.B. assignment when you should be working on in-class assignments
Take up the entire page. No wasted paper and small drawings. Think about your composition- how your subject matter is taking up the space. 
Shade thoroughly with a Variety of Values (White, a range of grays, and black-as dark as the pencil can get)
Late Points:
-5 points a day late; if a student has put in the majority of the effort and on time but is still lacking, the student may add and fix or redo for full credit with no late points. However, no doing it at all is a zero in the gradebook until it is shown to the teacher and/or turned in on "artwork" page on website.

Samantha J. 7th period Fall 2013

Sketchbook #2 Look below for requirements
Pick 1 of the following:
1. Draw a hand that is drawing a hand (NO TRACING EVER!!!)
2. Draw the contents of a junk drawer with at least 10 different objects and part of the front of the drawer needs to be drawn from an angle to show the illusion of 3-D
3. Draw yourself as a super hero or super villain using your super power (no weapons though; keep it school appropriate) NO STICK FIGURES! EVER!

Requirements: students will turn in one drawing every 2 weeks usually DUE each Tuesday at the beginning of class.
Effort needs to show at least 50 or so minutes or more.
Sketchbook assignments are HOMEWORK only unless you get teacher approval first when done with ALL class work with quality.
Take up the entire page. No wasted paper and small drawings. Think about your composition- how your subject matter is taking up the space. If you take up 75% of the page, then that might be your grade if it's shaded properly.
Shade thoroughly with a Variety of Values (White, a range of grays, and black-as dark as the pencil can get)
If not in Sketchbook (S.B.) drawing should be on unlined computer copy paper.
Students will be given 2 or 3 sketchbook assignment options and can pick ONE to draw.
Late Points:
-5 points a day late; if a student has put in the majority of the effort and on time but is still lacking, the student may add and fix or redo for full credit with no late points. However, no doing it at all is a zero in the gradebook until it is shown to the teacher and/or turned in on "artwork" page on website.

Aaron T. 6th period Fall 2014
Sketchbook #1 due September 9th at the beginning of class.
Pick 1 of the following:
1. Draw something reflective and what it is reflecting. (not just a regular mirror- think about your surroundings and shiny objects- a chrome car bumper, a big spoon, a toaster, a metal coffee cup, etc. be creative and look around)
2. Draw YOUR entire foot with the big toe coming alive some how.
3. Pick an object and draw it from 3 different views on the same page (no electronics=no phones, ipods, mp3 players, game controllers, etc.)

Students will turn in one drawing every 2 weeks usually DUE each Tuesday at the beginning of class.
Effort needs to show at least 50 or so minutes or more.
Sketchbook assignments are HOMEWORK only unless you get teacher approval first when done with ALL class work with quality.
Take up the entire page. No wasted paper and small drawings. Think about your composition- how your subject matter is taking up the space.
Shade thoroughly with a Variety of Values (White, a range of grays, and black-as dark as the pencil can get)
If not in Sketchbook (S.B.) drawing should be on unlined computer copy paper.
Students will be given 2 or 3 sketchbook assignment options and can pick ONE to draw.
Late Points:
-5 points a day late

Sketchbook #2 Look below for requirements
Pick 1 of the following:
1. Draw a hand that is drawing a hand (NO TRACING EVER!!!)
2. Draw the contents of a junk drawer with at least 10 different objects and part of the front of the drawer needs to be drawn from an angle to show the illusion of 3-D
3. Draw yourself as a super hero or super villain using your super power (no weapons though; keep it school appropriate) NO STICK FIGURES! EVER!

Requirements: students will turn in one drawing every 2 weeks usually DUE each Tuesday at the beginning of class.
Effort needs to show at least 50 or so minutes or more.
Sketchbook assignments are HOMEWORK only unless you get teacher approval first when done with ALL class work with quality.
Take up the entire page. No wasted paper and small drawings. Think about your composition- how your subject matter is taking up the space. If you take up 75% of the page, then that might be your grade if it's shaded properly.
Shade thoroughly with a Variety of Values (White, a range of grays, and black-as dark as the pencil can get)
If not in Sketchbook (S.B.) drawing should be on unlined computer copy paper.
Students will be given 2 or 3 sketchbook assignment options and can pick ONE to draw.
Late Points:
-5 points a day late; if a student has put in the majority of the effort and on time but is still lacking, the student may add and fix or redo for full credit with no late points. However, no doing it at all is a zero in the gradebook until it is shown to the teacher and/or turned in on "artwork" page on website.

Aaron T. 6th period Fall 2014
Sketchbook #1 due September 9th at the beginning of class.
Pick 1 of the following:
1. Draw something reflective and what it is reflecting. (not just a regular mirror- think about your surroundings and shiny objects- a chrome car bumper, a big spoon, a toaster, a metal coffee cup, etc. be creative and look around)
2. Draw YOUR entire foot with the big toe coming alive some how.
3. Pick an object and draw it from 3 different views on the same page (no electronics=no phones, ipods, mp3 players, game controllers, etc.)

Students will turn in one drawing every 2 weeks usually DUE each Tuesday at the beginning of class.
Effort needs to show at least 50 or so minutes or more.
Sketchbook assignments are HOMEWORK only unless you get teacher approval first when done with ALL class work with quality.
Take up the entire page. No wasted paper and small drawings. Think about your composition- how your subject matter is taking up the space.
Shade thoroughly with a Variety of Values (White, a range of grays, and black-as dark as the pencil can get)
If not in Sketchbook (S.B.) drawing should be on unlined computer copy paper.
Students will be given 2 or 3 sketchbook assignment options and can pick ONE to draw.
Late Points:
-5 points a day late