Media Arts Slideshow Documentary

  • Due Friday, February 20th at the beginning of class ready to show to class to get grade. (project given out, Friday January 30th)
  • You will produce and present a PowerPoint Slide Show Video Documentary (to the class to get a grade) about a Famous Professional Graphic Illustrator (Media Artist) of your choice picked from the lists from these links or search a school appropriate graphic illustrator.
  • Remember, you must find an illustrator with a lifetime's worth of work and an abundance of biographical info. about them.
graphic illustrators 1

graphic illustrators 2

graphic illustrators 3

graphic illustrators 4

  • The project is to be 20 slides, content slides- title slide and work cited slide make 22 slides in all, and include the information below and at least 20 photos of the artist and his/her work. (You must back up every photo you use with relevant text).
  • You may have more than 22 slides in total.
  • Maximum photos on each slide is 2. Minimum is 1.  
  • No text on photos at all. 
  • Every Photo and/or Artwork MUST have a caption with a title for the photo in quotation marks. Captions are brief explanations of the photo and it's importance. Titles are the actually name that the artist gave their artwork/photographs that are in quotation marks.
  • No boring plan white backgrounds. It's art class. Make a creative background that makes your photos and text look good. Click on the "design" menu tab at the top in Powerpoint and play around with different templates or make up your own by clicking "background styles" and then click on "format background". 
  • You can choose from the list below OR pick a significant graphic illustrator of your choice (if not on list get it approved by me first)
  • Questions to answer to get you started when doing artist research to have in your project are below. 
  • You must have a intro title slide with your name, the due date, the class and period, the artist you chose and a creative title in quotation marks that sums up the meaning of your project. 
  • Yes, you need a photo/artwork on your title slide with a caption or a quote.
  • You must have a conclusion slide with a basic work cited- (where you simply copy and paste ALL the links where you found your research info. and each photo and "The End" or something similar). 
  • Many Famous artists are known for their nudes or sometimes what might be graphic violence maybe or other inappropriate material and/or subject matter; make sure that all images are SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!
  • If I have to do anything other than pressing play on your slideshow to show the class we will stop and you will fix it and have late points and turn it in the next day.
  • To automatically advance slides to make it a slideshow video:
In Powerpoint, at the top menu bar, click on "Transitions" and then look at the top right of your screen where it says, "Advance Slide". Uncheck the "on mouse click" box, and then you need to check the "after:" box and then change the up and down arrow to the seconds you want each individual slide to be shown. This is called the slide duration.
Another way is to:
Click on the "Slideshow" menu tab at the top and then click on "Rehearse Timing". What this does is play your slideshow and when you want to set the timing duration for each slide you push the "spacebar" on the keyboard to tell it when to change and you keep doing it until is has played all the way through.

  • Again, you will upload your completed slideshow video to Edmodo and send it to your class period. I will simply click on your project and we will watch it as a class so you can get a grade.
  • Every photo of the artist and their work must have a title with it and the year it was taken.
  • To get an A you must spice up your Powerpoint with some flare by adding both instrumental audio track AND slide transitions:
To add audio:
Click on the "Insert" menu tab at the very top in Powerpoint.
Then look where it says "Media" and click on "Audio" and then click on "Audio from File" and select your instrumental music file. (Keep in mind that you will need to add the music file to the slide that you want the music to start on).
After inserting your audio you will notice a speaker icon on the slide you inserted your music file on.
Click on the speaker and then you will notice at the top right on the menu bar a tab that says "Playback".
 Click on it and then you will notice that the audio options are available.
To add transitions:
Again, click under the transitions menu tab at the top.
None of the below questions should have a "IDK" answer. If you can't find the information you need anywhere then find another artist that you can find the information.
These questions are the bare minimum. They are a guide to get you started on your research. Remember, you're not making a slideshow gallery of the work of the artist, your making a slideshow documentary on a photographer and including some of their work to back up their story.
  1. What is the Graphic Designer’s real name and year he or she was born? Is he/she still alive?
  2. What is their style of graphic design? Why are they famous?
  3. Are there any special graphic design techniques this artist uses in his/her work? 
  4. Who does the graphic designer work for?
  5. What type of computer and other equipment or art mediums do they use? (Do they draw and/or paint their illustrations on paper and/or canvas and then photograph or scan them into the computer and then edit them in a computer software program such as Photoshop and/or Illustrator?) Do they use a computer drawing tablet?
  6. What type of subject matter does the artist primarily use and why?
  7. Who are some of graphic artist early and current influences and inspiration?
  8. Find and tell about some interesting stories about this artist or his/her work?
  9. What do you like (or not like) about their work, and why did you select this artist?