In-Class Project 2013-2014

5-panel comic strip from 2012

Beginning Monday May 19th you have 5 class days, that's just over 4 hours, plus whatever you can muster for homework!
Mini Comic Book with a Message Project due at the beginning of school  Tuesday, May 27 posted to Edmodo to your class period to get your Quarter 4 grade and to your "My Artwork" page on your Blogspot website for your 25% final exam grade portfolio. THIS IS THE LAST PROJECT! All directions on on the “in-class assign./project” page.
Canvas Size in Photoshop: 8"wide x 12" high 200 resolution
Paper size if not doing it on computer: fold in half and then open it up, the left of the crease in the fold is page 1 and the one on the right is page 2, the back of the left side is the cover, as you would open a book= ABSOLUTELY NO STICK FIGURES
  • You will create a two page comic strip using the computer if you get on them quick enough, or on paper. 
  • If doing on paper:
    • you may use any combination of drawing, painting, etc., however, every panel, see below for the panel/page breakdown, must have at least one drawing or painting per panel. You may draw from magazine photos, but not use the actual magazine cutouts in your comic book.
    • All drawings must be Shaded with a Variety of Colored-Values ( use colored pencils for shading with colored-values)
    • ABSOLUTELY NO STICK FIGURES- take some time and do a quality job. Again, you have 5 class days, that's just over 4 hours!
  • You must have a story that has a lesson. It could be how small children shouldn't talk to strangers; it could be the dangers of smoking; could be about texting and driving; pick something that you can relate to and go with it, (do not ask someone to come up with your creative decisions). It must have some kind of message/lesson and a story with at least 2 characters acting it out.
  • Photo Students: You must use at least 1 of your own photos per panel. All backgrounds, the setting, must be from your photos. (think about your cropping, you might have a photo of your backyard that you did for the "egg" project, so crop out the egg. BE CREATIVE AND RESOURCEFUL!
  • Media Arts Students: You must use at least 1 of your own artworks per panel. You may use PHOTOGRAPHS from the internet, but not other people's artwork such as cartoons, edited photos, graphic illustrations, logos, etc.
  • Again, it must be at least 3 pages long (You will have a traditional comic book cover and then two pages of paneled stories) Hint: do the cover page last and then you can take images from each panel to make the cover full represents what's inside. (Note: movie posters are designed and made after the movie is.)
  • There must be at least 6 panels minimum per page. (Don't get "panels" and "pages" mixed up- you will have 12 panels total minimum.
  • Each panel must have a small "stroked" border.  To make a panel is to simply copy and paste the background image onto the comic book canvas and then transform it (control T) to the size and spot where you want it and then double click the layer it's on and do a "stroke" border, directions below). 
    • If from the internet, simply copy the large image after clicking "view image" in your browser and then paste it in Photoshop, it will be put on its own new layer.
    • If one of your own photos or artworks, in Photoshop, go to "file" then "open" and open it, it will be on its own tab as a document in Photoshop so then you will hit "Control A" for select all, and then "Control C" for copy. Then, simply click on the comic book document tab and then "Control V" for paste and it will be on its own new layer now. Then you can transform its size and move it as a panel now where you want it to go.
  • Each "panel" and "speech bubble" must have a "stroked"-border.
  •  Here are the directions for making a speech bubble with text and how to "stroke" a border for each speech bubble:
    • First, use the text type tool, the "t" key brings it up, and write your text; to change your font, size, color, etc. look at the top below the menu;  
    • Second, create a new layer for your actual speech bubble- look at the bottom right in your layer's palette by the little trashcan, the icon next to the trashcan is your "new layer" icon.  
    • Third, on your new layer, go to the "custom shape" tool and then right click with your mouse anywhere on your canvas workspace (where your images are) and select the speech bubble. Then, simply click and drag your speech bubble a size over the text you wrote. Then, in your layer's palette, move your text layer above the speech bubble layer so the text is on top of the speech bubble.  
    • Four, in the layer's palette (again, this is where all your layers are organized, double click on the speech bubble layer and this will bring up your "layer styles" and "blending options". Click on "stroke" and change the size of the stroke border to 20 or so, not to thin and not to thick. The color is up to you.

  • click to enlarge image for example
    The cover page: Look online for examples. (Simply search for your favorite super hero like this: "The Incredible Hulk comic book cover" and there you will have millions of examples. 
    • Must have the title of the comic book very large with at least one main character.
    • A vertical box with the name of the comic book company (could just be your last name, but needs to be creative and made-up) and the price of the comic book.
    • The creator's name, your name
    •  The Month and Year (May 2014 in your case)
    • And the issue number (look at the Hulk to the left if you’re looking on , it is Issue #119)

Abby A. Media Arts 1- 2014
"Produce Self-Portrait" (from the shoulder up)
1. on paper and you draw it and shade with colored values using colored pencils, yes, you must shade everything (fold and cut good drawing paper in half- on top of turn-in station)
2. or, using Photoshop (Minimum 14 layers) 10"high x 8" wide
  • you will draw or take a photo of yourself (you may use a photo that you already have), yes this is a self-portrait and turn yourself into fruits and vegetables. 
  • A minimum of 5 fruits and 5 vegetables. You may add flowers as almost all fruits and vegetables start off as flower blossoms.
  • Unlike Archimboldo's artwork to the left here, yours should have at least a foreground and background. No solid foregrounds or backgrounds.

Makenzie 3rd Period Photo 1- visually represent the words
What is ME? Photoshop Interactive Scene due Thursday May 1 end of class 
You will create an awesome scene that visually represents your personality-

1st- get out some paper and brainstorm all the things that describe you and you love
2nd- Create a blank white canvas measuring 8“wx10“h (that's inches folks) with a resolution of 200 or you will do it with magazine clippings and drawings on art paper on supply table, cut a piece in half with paper cutter
Requirements and Points Break-down (Rubric): 
At least 1 photo of you somewhere obviously interacting with a word you chose and an image (so borrow a red camera or you can draw yourself (20 points)
A speech bubble that says what you are saying or thinking (5 points)
A minimum
of 4 words that describe your personality (20points)
Your first and last name somewhere integrated into an image- for example, such    as a mountain or a tree or a cloud
15 images
found from the internet (Photos Only) or magazines (Photos Only) or drawn (2 points each)
A foreground, a
middleground, and background all from different PHOTOGRAPHS that make up one complete setting/surrounding  (25 points)
You really want your images/layers to go together to make one big scene that looks good and goes together and represents you- post to Edmodo and “My Artwork” page on your blogger website to get a grade.

Alex T. First Period
Mutant Humanoid Creature Project:
Canvas Size: 8"x10"; Resolution: 200; background contents: transparent
30 Layers Minimum
In Photoshop, you will create a "Mutant Humanoid Creature" or on paper, (on supplies table, fold in half and then cut in half using paper cutter), with magazines if you don't get a computer. This is a creature that resembles a human being but has features from below:
6 layers minimum human features=10 points
6 layers minimum mechanical features (think robot, car, anything electronic, etc.)= 10 points
6 layers minimum plant features=10 points
6 layers minimum animal features= 10 points
5 layers minimum setting features (setting is the surroundings of where this mutant is and what is going on around him- must have a foreground, middleground, and background like the I-spy project)=10 points
James H. 6th Period Mutant Creature
1 speech bubble layer minimum with school appropriate text of what the mutant is saying or thinking= 10 points
The Creature should be doing something, not just standing there. (Make sure everything in the work is school appropriate= 10 points
Craftsmanship= 10 points
Daily Effort (works bell-to-bell without having to be asked to get busy)= 20 points
To get grade post to your class period's Edmodo and to your "My Artwork" page on your blogspot website as a ".jpg" file 

Joel S. 6th period 2014

Music Photograph Slideshow project (For Photo and Media Arts Classes)
Due on April 4th at the end of class.
To get a grade you must upload and send your project as a .wmv or .mov file to your class period on Edmodo.
Pick your favorite full-length, SCHOOL APPROPRIATE SONG- no violence, no drugs or drug references, no sex, no guns, no profanity (Also, remember, you don't have to curse to be inappropriate- use common sense, and if in doubt, PICK ANOTHER SONG)

Step 1: Look up the lyrics to your awesome song. You might try: or (Yes, A LOT of websites are blocked but you might have to go 20 pages deep in searches to find the text to your lyrics) YOU WILL HAVE THE LYRICS THAT ARE PLAYING IN THE SONG ON EACH SLIDE SO COORDINATE CAREFULLY! You will use the ENTIRE song and the minimum song length is 3 minutes.
Step 2: At this point you will really need to have the actual song ready to input into your Powerpoint so you can listen with headphones and match up the text on the slide to the correct timing in the song. (It's kind of like karaoke in that the lyrics are on the screen as the song plays.) 
To add your music, look at the top in Powerpoint and click on "Insert" and then "Media" and then "Audio"and "audio from file" and then select the file. Then, click on the "playback" tab at the top and look where it says "start" click on the drop down arrow and click on "play across slides" so it doesn't just play on that one slide. 

Text must be big enough to read at least the middle of the room to the smart board and in an easy to read font.
Each slide has a MAXIMUM OF 7 SECONDS no more, you can have slides that are less than 7 but not more.
To change the duration of each slide and the transition time click on the "Transition" tab at the top and then make sure you click on "after" so many seconds under where it says "Advance Slide".
So, pace yourself and use class time wisely.
There is one exception- the title slide can be longer because there are typically no words right when the song starts.

For instrumental solos, (parts of the song with no singing), you don't have to have text/lyrics on the slide, but you HAVE TO HAVE PHOTOS changing, again, every 7 seconds so it doesn't get stagnant and boring.

Step 3: Now the fun part- adding the photos that visually illustrate the meaning of the song that is on each slide. Your photos must be BIG as this is a photo slideshow. (We must be able to see them from the back of the room on the board in the classroom)
You may only use UNEDITED PHOTOGRAPHS!! 
You may have more than one photograph on a slide.
Yes, for the chorus, the part of the song that repeats, you don't have to have different photographs unless you want to. (Hint: if your photos do repeat the viewer might get bored and lose interest because they've seen that part before- remember, you are essentially making a music video but instead of video you are using the lyric's text and photographs.
Step 4: Add awesome transitions between EVERY slide.This is super easy, click on transition at the top menu bar.You can click on "Apply to all slides" so it adds the same transition to all of your slides at once. Or, you can individually add different slides to each slide manually.
(Just make sure you know the difference between the duration of a transition and the duration of the actual slide.)
Step 5: Make sure you have a title slide and a conclusion slide.
         Title Slide: A photo of the band/artist and then to the side: your name, class, class period, the date, the name of the artist and the song; Conclusion Slide: Same as the title slide.
Extra Credit: Put yourself in your project and/or some of your own photographs THAT YOU TOOK and/or don't have any repeating photos in your choruses.

Also, you may use Windows Movie Maker instead of Powerpoint if you wish. Paper Mosaic People Portrait Project for (5 class days)
You will use magazines and construction paper to create a portrait of a person. Please do not ask to do something other than a portrait of a person. The answer is no.
You may use your phone to look up a famous person for reference, but that better be what your doing and not
wasting time.
You don't have to do a famous person, but it has to be a REAL person, not made up. 
Step 1: Find a reference photo of a person and loosely sketch it out first with pencil so you are prepared and know where everything goes. Take up the whole page with your subject matter.
Step 2: You will cut/tear out from different photos from magazines. ONLY cut/tear up what you can glue down in each class period.
Keep your cuttings/scraps in your journal binder, we unfortunately don't have bags for this for 162 students.
CLEAN UP YOUR TABLE/FLOOR AREA! MESSES AFFECT GRADES FOR SURe-don't put up too early or it'll hurt your grade.

Click on image to enlarge (control + /- to zoom in/out)
"Fake Movie Poster Project" due completely done by March 21st at the end of class (this is a Friday and grades are due for teachers for report cards on Monday the 24th. Yes, this project goes on your Quarter 3 report card and it counts as a test grade)

You will create a fictitious movie poster. Meaning, no prequels or sequels (no movies that have ever been done before or part 2s or 3s, etc.
The idea is to make a fake movie poster that looks as real as possible and still be very original and creative.
  • Canvas Size: 8"w x 10h" ("s means inches, w=width; h=height) with a resolution of 300. Make sure it is in "RGB" color mode, not grayscale) Change the "background contents" to "transparent" to make it easier to stay organized.
  • Photography students must have a minimum of 30 named and numbered layers (-2 points off for each unnamed and/or unnumbered) because photo student must have at least 5 layers from your own photos) Photo student MAY NOT do the media arts requirements. You must use 5 layer images from YOUR photos... it's photography class people.
  • Media Arts Students must have a minimum of 40 named and numbered layers (-2 points off for each unnamed and/or unnumbered).
  • All students: you may ONLY use photos for this project just like the I-Spy project. (No edited photos either, no cartoon characters, no CGI- Computer Generated Images; if you can't tell if it's a photo or not DON'T USE IT!) 
  •  Must have at least a foreground and a background that work well together, no straight edges where they meet. (I suggest you have a middle ground to add more depth like in your I-spy project but you don't have to have a middleground).
  • Must have at least 5 text layers each with a DIFFERENT font. To add text simply hit the "t" on the keyboard and click where you want to add the text. If the text isn't showing up either change its color or drag the text layer to the top of your layer's pallet.
  • Must have a release date
  • The name of the movie must be big and have creative layer styles and blending options (simply click on the text layer in the blue and layer styles will pop up- play around and make it look awesome)
  • Must have a text movie slogan (Look at the example above for  Must have at least a foreground and a background that work well together, no straight edges where they meet. (I suggest you have a middle ground to add more depth like in your I-spy project but you don't have to have a middleground)., it's slogan is "What Would you do for Love?"
  •  Must have 2 logos created from scratch, totally original. (One for the movie studio and one for the movie production company. Look above at The Great Martian Camel Trader poster. My logos are in the bottom left and right corners. It might take 3 to 4 layers to create each logo. 
  • Must have movie rating box. (Example above: The Great Martian Camel Trader is strangely rated "NC-17").
  • Must have who directed the movie (Directed by ?)
  • +5 extra project points if you obviously put yourself in the poster as an actor 
  • No guns or any deadly weapons, use a nerf or water gun instead; keep it school appropriate (anything you couldn't have out at school doesn't belong in this project people) BE CREATIVE and a PROBLEM SOLVER
Reminders on the "how tos":
  • Zoom In/Zoom Out "Control +" and "Control -)
  • Undo last action "Control Z" or undo several actions "Control Alt Z"
  • To select all "Control A"
  • To Copy "Control C"
  • To Paste "Copy V"
  • To resize, rotate, skew "Control T" (free transform)
  • To deselect, to undo a selection "Control D"
  • To add to a selection hold down "shift" and you will notice the "+" sign next to your selection tool.
  • To subtract from a selection down "alt" and you will notice the "-" sign next to your selection tool.
  • Selection tools, you are going to use them throughout the ENTIRE project.
  •      "M" on your keyboard brings up the Marquee selection tools on your keyboard
  •      "L" on your keyboard brings up the Lasso selection tools on your keyboard
  •      "W" brings up the magic wand selection and under it is the quick selection tool
  • Just remember, for every different situation might call for a different selection tool or for you to use a combination of the selection tools to get the job done.
  • Think about it like this, copy and paste your image into Photoshop, Photoshop places the image on it's own new layer for you, then simply resize it, again "Control T" for transform, and then select what you DON'T want and hit "Delete" on your keyboard. You are then left with what you do want. Use the move tool, the top tool on the tool bar, to drag it around. You might have to resize it again.

  • Save "Control S" (make sure you are constantly saving after so many layers. Half way through class I would upload my in-progress project to Google Drive and then again at the end of class. YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANY WORK... EVER!)

"I-spy Project" (think about Where's Waldo, except you won't use other people's artwork such as cartoons, etc. ONLY UNEDITED PHOTOGRAPHS!) Student examples below requirements here.
1. Open up Photoshop and create a new document, "File" then "New", with the size of 8 inches x 10 inches with a resolution of 300. Make sure you change the pixels to inches if it's not already on inches. (You may pick either landscape or portrait orientation, it's up to you)
2. You will first come up with a theme for your overall composition. "Magic, sports, movies, space, school, technology, fashion, hunger, poverty, war (no guns or violence though), etc. etc.
3. Then, again, only using photographys, you will create a foreground, middleground, background (you must have at least three but may have more) taking each "ground" from different photographs and layering them together, but each on its own layer.
        The idea with the grounds is to make them look like they go together well when they really don't because they are from totally different photographs.
4. Now, the fun part begins.
Photography students: You will have have 53 total layers in your layers palette, yes, I'll be checking for sure. 53? Why 53? Because the foreground, middleground, and background count as the first 3.
        Now, what about the 50 other layers?
You will have 50 items from DIFFERENT PHOTOGRAPHS that relate and go with your theme (again, I can't remind you enough: PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY- you will have BIG points off if you don't use PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY)
        Photo students MUST have at least 10 layers from photographs that YOU took. (Now, this means you must take a selection from each photo, an item, not the whole photo)

Media Arts students, same as Photography, EXCEPT, you must have 63 layer selections but you can get all your photographs from the internet. If you want to do the Photography requirements and use 10 selections from your own photographs this is fine and you will then only have to do 53 layers. (You must show me the original photos that you took to get those selections to prove it or have BIG points off)

IMPORTANT: Make sure when you search in GOOGLE IMAGES, that you click on "search tools" (below the search bar where you type) and then "size" and then "large" You must get large, good quality images or your project will look junky and when you resize your layer selections using "Control T" it will get distorted and pixelated.

Also, make sure when you are in google images that you click on the image you want and then click on "view image" to the right so you get the image in it's biggest size then you can right click on the big image and copy it. Then go back to your canvas "I-Spy" document and hit "Control V" for paste.
As soon as you paste it Photoshop will put your new layer selection image on its own new layer for you.
Everyone, you must name EVERY layer (-1 point for every layer you do not name) this is to keep you organized. Once you get a large number of layers it's very hard to see whats on each layer unless they are organized.

+5 extra credit points opportunity- put yourself hidden in your work like Where's Waldo style
(We must be able to find you so don't make it too crazy to see)

Important Photoshop Command and methods for this specific project (more to be added as I think about what might help you more) :

Zoom In/Zoom Out "Control +" and "Control -)
Undo last action "Control Z" or undo several actions "Control Alt Z"
To select all "Control A"
To Copy "Control C"
To Paste "Copy V"
To resize, rotate, skew "Control T" (free transform)
To deselect, to undo a selection "Control D"
To add to a selection hold down "shift" and you will notice the "+" sign next to your selection tool.
To subtract from a selection down "alt" and you will notice the "-" sign next to your selection tool.

Selection tools, you are going to use them throughout the ENTIRE project.
     "M" on your keyboard brings up the Marquee selection tools on your keyboard
     "L" on your keyboard brings up the Lasso selection tools on your keyboard
     "W" brings up the magic wand selection and under it is the quick selection tool
Just remember, for every different situation might call for a different selection tool or for you to use a combination of the selection tools to get the job done.
Think about it like this, copy and paste your image into Photoshop, Photoshop places the image on it's own new layer for you, then simply resize it, again "Control T" for transform, and then select what you DON'T want and hit "Delete" on your keyboard. You are then left with what you do want. Use the move tool, the top tool on the tool bar, to drag it around. You might have to resize it again.

Save "Control S" (make sure you are constantly saving after so many layers. Half way through class I would upload my in-progress project to Google Drive and then again at the end of class. YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANY WORK... EVER!)

This is from a freshman from the fort from last year (Click on image to enlarge)
This one shows a good theme of everything relating together and received a 100 when it was completed a few days later.

Freshman Joseph's from last year, this was actually finished and added to but I can't find the completed version. You get the idea though? However, he ended getting like an 80 or so because he did not have a recognizable THEME where everything was relating.

Computer Lab Assignments for January and February 2014 while I am gone.
You will go to: and scroll down until you see the long list of Photoshop Tutorials.
You must complete and upload finished projects to your website on your "my artwork" page on your website. You will pick and do 20 tutorial projects in the course of the month. That's roughly one a day. Each tutorial was designed to take around 40-45 minutes so if you need more time for one it's taking time away from the next ones. Pace yourself.
Some of the tutorial projects on the list are dependent on the ones listed before. It will tell you if you read.
To get the grades:You will get a total of 5 grades for the 20 projects. Each project will be worth 25 points totaling each grade for a 100.
So, pick 4 tutorial projects from the list, complete them, upload them to your site and then email me the link to your "my artwork" where they are located for me to grade. Then do 4 more, and so on and so on.
You will use your own images from Google and the internet searches for the tutorials. DO NOT USE THE TUTORIALS IMAGES and/or TEXT. Everyone in class could be doing the exact same tutorial but everyone's finished project would use totally different images thus making it original and unique.
IMPORTANT: Some of the tutorials mention a "command" or "option" button on the keyboard. "Command" and "Option" are only on Mac computers. On our PCs you will substitute "Command" for "Control" and "Option" for the "Alt" key.

January 6, 2014 Monday New Classroom Studio Project in d112, project length- 6 days
Due at the end of class on Friday January 10th
Shattered, Hidden-Image Value Drawing from a magazine photography project
Lesson and image
1. You will first need to search through magazines and find a PHOTOGRAPH of some interesting subject matter: animal, person, insect, car, etc. You may make up your own from your imagination instead of drawing from a photograph as long as you don't draw from someone else's art. (Think about the overall meaning of your work) Remember, a contour line is basically just the outline and a few lines of the inside that show basic detail. 2. Draw your subject taking up at least 80 % of the page. You may use portrait or landscape orientation. 3. Then, simply divide up the entire page with a variety of lines that also go through your subject as shown in the fish image example above. 4. Now, look at the unique, individual shapes you have made with all the dissecting lines you drew. 5. Shade each shape with a gray value scale from lightest to darkest and viola, you have a shattered, hidden-image drawing.6. At the end of class put it in your period's drawer at the turn in station and you will get it out of there everyday.

New Computer Lab Photoshop Project
2013-2014 Photo 1 Student Photo Collage Example
Photoshop Photomerge Collage Assignment
Photo students: You will merge at least 10 of your own photos, you may have to download them from your website to the desktop, and create a photomerged collage.
Media Arts students: You will merge at least 10 of your works from your own website of your own artworks. These may be sketchbook assignments, Photoshop assignments, etc., anything you have on your site or on your flash drive, or Google Drive that you created. They may also be photos YOU took. To do this, simply go to your website and click on one of your works, this will make it large in gallery mode, then you can right click with your mouse and save it to the desktop temporarily so you can use them in Photoshop later as in the directions below. If you don't have at least 10 photos get them from the internet and have a theme.

Open up Photoshop. Create a new document by going to "File"then "New" with dimensions of 8 inches by 10 inches with a Resolution of 200. Then follow the directions below.
  1. Go to File > Automate > Photomerge…
  2. Under the Source files section, browse for the files you'd like to use, or load the files you have open in Photoshop.
  3. Uncheck the box labeled "Blend images together." If you were creating a panorama photo with multiple images stitched together, you'd want this box checked, but for simply combining images into one document you should leave it unchecked.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Wait several seconds, maybe even minutes, as Photoshop Processes the files, then the Photomerge dialog will appear.
  6. The images will either be stacked in the center of the Photomerge workspace, or in a strip across the top. 
  7. So, if the document, your canvas, is not big enough, and it won't be, simply go to "Image" at the top and click on it and then "Canvas size", then change the canvas size in inches so that you have room to display, show, all your photos. If it get too big you can simply crop it later, just hit C on your keyboard and drag from a corner and then hit enter on your keyboard when you get the size you want.
  8. Then you will use the move tool, the very top tool on the tool bar that looks like an arrow and use your mouse to position each image where you want it. Remember you might have to zoom in and out as needed= control + or - on your keyboard.
  9. When you are satisfied with the positioning, click OK, and wait a few seconds as Photoshop repositions the images within your layers.
  10. At this point you can further manipulate each image on it's own layer, remember you have to be on the layer you want to make changes to in the layer's palette. To change the size of each image, and will definitely have to do this for each image layer, simply click on the layer you want in the layer's palette and then on your keyboard "Control and T". This will bring up your transformation box surrounding the image and then you hold down "shift" on the keyboard and drag from a corner to make the image bigger or smaller. You hold down shift so the image doesn't get skinny or fat and out of proportion. 
  11. Make sure there are no gaps between the photos are you will have points off. Also, make sure all the edges and corners line up and everything looks clean and well-fitted together.
  12. You may add some non-distracting text, words, by using the Text Type Tool, hit the letter T on your keyboard and notice the Text Type Tool highlighted on your tool bar. To make changes to your text simply look at the top to change the color, font, and size. To move the text layer around use the move tool, the very top tool on the tool bar.
  13. Before you can save it you first need to make the overall image smaller as it is probably around 200 inches across both ways, which is like the size of the wall. 
  14. First, go to "Layer" at the top and then "Flatten Image" (this will flatten all your layers into one layer)
  15. Then, go to "Image" and click on "Image Size", change the height and width to something like 10 inches by 10 inches or something around that. If you don't change the size the document, your project, will be so big it will take 15+ minutes to save and won't load on your website.
  16. When you are done, save the completed .psd file format project to the desktop and then upload it to your Google Drive. Then go back to Photoshop and save it as a .jpg file format so you can do step 14 and get a grade.
  17. To get a grade you must post this on your "My Artwork" page AT THE TOP. (always have the most current work at the top) with a title as a caption. Email me when you have completed this and I will input your grade. (Do not come up to me and tell me to check your website- no email, no grade)

 December 2-6

November 22, 2013
"Hopper Movie Idea" assignment due at the end of class today.
First, you will need to go to your blogger editor and under "pages" create a new page and title it "Art Stories", (yes, we will do this again on this page with a different artist some day), then look under the artwork below for more directions. Do it! Do it!
Copy and paste this work, with the artist, title, and year in the caption and below it write the following:
         At the beginning, break each character into their own paragraph, there are 4 characters as you see above, and give each a name and at least a three sentence back story describing where they come from, who they are, their attitudes, their struggles, etc.
         Then, write: "Scene 1:[write the description of the surrounding setting here].
         Then, below it, write at least a 20 line dialog script, (what is being said),you need to number each line in your script. Write your script about what's going on and the dialog, conversations, between the four characters in at least 20 lines on your new "Art Stories" page.
Remember, what each character "SAYS" should be in "quotation marks". Also, remember that your scene is not just what the characters say, don't forget to give them names, but it is also the actions, gestures and movements, etc. The actions are not in quotation marks. Think about your English class. and the scenes you have read.
 This is for a grade and I will begin grading these today after each period so make sure it's on the correct page, the Art Stories page and you have followed directions so you can get the easy 100. :)

November 20, 2013 Wednesday Computer Lab Photoshop Project due Thursday, the 21st, at the end of class.
"Blog Title Text Image" Photoshop Assignment
Use the link below and Photoshop to create a text image to upload as your blog website home page title. So, use the words of your current blog title for this tutorial.  If you have forgotten what your website title is, go to your blog and look at the top. Don't just title your blog your name. Give your website a good name. For example, "John's Art Awesome Website", or something simple, "John's Blog", or "John's Place", or "John's World", be creative and different than everyone else.
When done, you must save your completed text image as a ".jpg" in Photoshop so you can upload it to your website.

To upload the text image you made to your website, go to your blogger editor and follow these easy steps:
On your main blogger editor page, click on "layout"
Then under the "Header" bar, click the "edit" option

Now click on "Browse" and search for your Blog Title Text Image that you saved as a .JPG and then click "open"... then click on "Have description placed after the image" as shown above, then click "save",,, view your live blog website to make sure it worked properly.

Musical Instrument Link to tutorial file: 

Friday November 15, 2013 Assignment:
Computer lab, after you complete the "Musical Instrument Cubism" Photoshop Project, go to the link below and do this project in partners of two.
To get a grade you must upload the person you did on your "My Artwork" page with a title as a caption. (To add a caption, simply click on the image on the page and click on "add caption", type a title and make sure it's in quotation marks to receive full credit.)

Time-duration for this project= 1computer lab day, due at the end of class Friday November 15th.